Employers are struggling to appeal and hold on to younger employees due to the importance young people are placing on the feel of an office and how aesthetically pleasing it is, according to the results of a new study.
The study, cited in an article by LondonloveBusiness.com, showed that 34% of 18 to 24-year-olds would be willing to commute for a maximum of one hour each way to an office they consider perfect, while 21% of the same age range admitted they had rejected a potential employer due to the poor design of the office or lack of amenities available.
The research also found that 82% of British employees visit the same workplace fives times a week, working from the same desk in their office 80% of the time. Almost one in three people in the UK find their office environment boring and uninspiring, which can have a negative effect on employees’ mental health and their productivity levels.
At Procol, we can help you raise the standard of their working environments and create the perfect office design for your employees, no matter what their age or what type of business you have. To disucss the ways in which we can help, just get in touch.